Our Founder

Our Founder

David J. Scranton, CFA®, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, is an Amazon bestselling author, nationally recognized money manager, and founder of Sound Income Group, Sound Income Strategies, Retirement Income Source®, and Advisors’ Academy. David is on a mission to help retirees and pre-retirees understand the strategic value of shifting their investment focus to an income-first approach. David has spent more than three decades in the financial services industry, with most of that time spent specializing in income-generating investments. In 1999, he made the switch to an income-first approach for his clients, while many of his Wall Street contemporaries continued to focus on growth in the stock market. As a result, he was able to help many of his clients avoid damaging losses during the major market corrections that began in 2000 and again in 2008. Knowing the market chaos of the early-to-mid 2000s was only the beginning of this new age of uncertainty, David launched a plan to reach investors nationwide with his message about the value of investing for income. That plan led to the founding of Advisors’ Academy, through which David recruited like-minded advisors nationwide and coached them in his methods. From there, he launched Sound Income Strategies, a Registered Investment Advisory and money management firm specializing in actively managed fixed-income strategies, followed by Retirement Income Source®, a national franchise of fiduciary Income Specialists. A highly sought-after industry thought leader, David regularly shares his market insights on networks such as Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg. He has his own radio show, “Retirement Income Source®,” which airs weekly on stations nationwide. He also hosts the popular “Retirement Income Source” YouTube channel to help educate viewers about financial issues that could impact their retirement. In addition to Attract & Grow: The Financial Advisor’s Blueprint to Attracting $50 Million in Annual Assets, David is the author of the Amazon bestsellers Retirement Income Source: The Ultimate Guide to Eternal Income and Return on Principle. David created S.A.F.E. with the belief that all Americans should have free access to qualified educational resources to help them make informed, knowledgeable decisions with their hard-earned savings. He says, “I believe people should always have free access to this kind of information, especially in today’s complex economic environment. I’ve seen too many people make costly financial mistakes simply because they lacked an understanding of the fundamental savings and investment options available to all Americans.”